Wednesday 15 June 2011

My Name is Jeff and I am a Classy Canucks Fan.

My name is Jeff and I am a classy Canucks fan. When the Boston Bruins beat my beloved Canucks in Game 7, I was disappointed. I had spent the entire series arguing that Vancouver and the Canucks got a bad shake from the media. That they didn't deserve the 'villian' tag. That we weren't a 'classless' team and fan base. And then I saw the riots and I got mad. The city of Vancouver is better than that!

SO, I'm not going to sit back and let the riots of the 2011 Stanley Cup Final be the final image of this season for me. No, I want to prove that we are better than that. I just donated $100 to the British Columbia Professional Fire Fighters' Burn Fund, which supports burn survivors and increases the public's knowledge about fire and burn safety issues. It's supported by the Vancouver Fire Fighter's Charitable Society. I thought it was a fitting charity given the lasting images of police cars on fire during the riot.

If you are a classy Canucks fan and want to send a message that the rioters do not respresent us as a city or as a fan base, I encourage you to donate as I have. You can donate here. Stand up! Do not let the riots be the last thing people think of us on this night.